Personalized healing sessions downloaded and channeled for your unique path of healing and expansion.
Operating in aligned timing is crucial to allow for the most impact during our time together. As an emotional authority, this will be when it "feels" right.
The more autonomy and freedom you allow, the more you can trust in the way I work the more I can provide the impact, activation, and magic that you are paying me for.
We will both leave our ego's, mental agendas and expectations outside of this container. Your inner being and my inner being will be the ones leading the way here.
Always take what resonates and leave what does not. I am merely a facilitator guided by your body's innate wisdom, translating what I see and sense through my own vessel.
What you'll get:
❊ Human Design Chart
❊ Gene Keys Profile
❊Quantum BodyTalk Energy Healing
❊ Channeled activations, guidance, messages
Your Human Design Chart and Gene Keys Profile may be used for the Quantum BodyTalk Healing, if your inner being leads us there.
Disclaimer: This is not a chart reading. You will be given your charts for further exploration to be done on your own if you so choose.
How it Works
Once you make your investment + fill out your exact Birth info along with what you'd like to focus on for your session, I will gather your Human Design Chart & Gene Keys Profile in preparation for our session.
I allow all the information from your charts and intention to brew in my higher consciousness and let it trickle down through all the bodies of consciousness (bliss, supramental, mental, energetic, physical). Kind of like downloading all the info that wants to be activated/used, from the higher realms during our time together.
Essentially the moment you invest the prep for your session on the higher level will start and will start to download.
Once all the info is downloaded and is ripe and ready to go I will reach out and we will set up a time for our session.
Please keep in mind, per my design as a defined root center directly linked to my emotional authority I am very precise about the aligned time (for all).
Meaning, I will not set up our session unless I get the green light from my inner authority. For that is the only way I can provide the highest impact, activation, magic you came to me for.
After our first session, I will ask your body (by muscle checking) to see when your body will be ready for the next session. We will use that as a rough guideline for timing while still honoring aligned timing dictated by my inner authority (which will naturally be when you and I feel that pull to reconnect) to be our ultimate guide.
As an HD Manifestor (and with most of my channels being tribal/collective) I am designed to feel the natural flow and aligned timing for my people, and am built to set the trajectory that allows for the highest impact, shifts, and quantum leaps for all involved.
For those who are not used to working in this free-flowing way of letting our inner beings guide us with aligned timing, once purchased you will typically receive your charts within 48hours with further instructions and information. Regardless of the exact timing I will be in touch and you will be informed every step of the way.
For those who have worked with me before this process is usually faster due to already being familiar with your chart, your blueprint, and your energy field. It's like when 2 people know each other they can get straight to the point faster without the extra buffering time. You will be informed every step of the way.